The Hospital (Short Story)

In honor of National Suicide Prevention month. This (fictional) Short Story was inspired by different people I’ve known, stories I’ve heard, and experiences I’ve had.

-To anyone who’s ever lost someone-


I sat in the waiting room listening to the sounds, trying to stay awake, just a little longer.

I could hear the steady beep, beep, beep, of the hospital monitors in the rooms down the hallway. The few nurses were chatting quietly at the desk at the front of the room. I could hear faint cries from some room down the hall where someone just received bad news. Other than a few soft noises, it was quiet.

I glanced out the window where the sun had long already set and darkness had fallen over the land. The stars peeked softly in the dark abbess. I took in the pretty sight of the moon and stars from the other side of the window. 

I wiped my tear-stained eyes and focused my attention back on the white and gray marble floor. I went back to listening to the monitors. The steady beep, beep, beep, sounded soothing and calming in a strange way.

In order to stay awake, I decided to take a walk. 

I walked softly down the hall, careful not to disturb anyone. A few nurses were bobbing in and out of rooms, doing their rounds for the night. Every now and then, I would see a visitor leaving from seeing a friend or family member. 

As I walked down the hall, I made a mental note of some of the sleeping patients that were here, of the few that had their doors open or that I could peek through, or some I simply knew from being here. 

There was a seven-year-old boy who broke his leg with a bright green cast with different doodles drawn on it. He was to be released the next day, but in the meantime, he enjoyed the service of the nurses and the ice cream. He had the funniest comments and definitely kept them all laughing. 

Another door down, there was a little girl, about two or three years old, who was really sick. The doctors weren’t sure if she would make it. Both of her parents stayed with her every minute they could. Her room was decorated with colorful cards, stuffed animals, and balloons. She had the brightest smile and most infectious laugh, even when she looked pale and sickly. She didn’t quite understand her fate or why her parents would look at her with such sad eyes most of the time, she just knew she wanted to make them happy as much as she could. 

The next room had a middle-aged man who just found out he had aggressive brain cancer. The kind that would never be completely gone or cured. He sat awake in bed that night wondering how he would care for his family of four kids now that he was told he would never be able to work a normal job again. For the moment, the cancer itself was the least of his worries. He wondered what would happen to his family if he didn’t make it. After all, the doctors told him he had less than three months to live. 

On the other side of the hall was an elderly man who didn’t have much time left. For as long as I’ve known he was here, he’s never had any visitors. No one to tell his stories to. No one to comfort him. There were no cards on the wall, or stuffed animals on the bed, or balloons tied on the chair. He had nothing to remind him that he’s loved or remembered, or that he’ll be missed when he’s gone. If you look a little closer, you might catch the tear that was slipping from his eye as his monitor sounds went silent. 

I walked across the waiting room and into the next hallway. In the first room on the left, there was a teenage girl who was in for a catheterization. She just had to stay the night, but she could hardly sleep. She was terrified of hospitals. She trembled as she tried to sleep, she tried to remember that there was nothing to be afraid of, but the fear remained. She cuddled her favorite stuffed animal tightly as she curled up into her favorite blanket she brought with her, and finally, she eventually fell asleep. 

I felt my time was just about up as I walked back to my room. I saw my parents sitting in the chairs around my bed, watching my shallow breathing from my sleeping figure. My mom was crying, and my dad looked disappointed and torn apart, but trying to stay strong. I frowned at them as I realized the pain I caused them. 

I thought back to all the people I saw through the halls. The old man who had no one to tell his stories to, the middle-aged man who would give anything to see all his kids grow up, the sick little girl who should’ve gotten a fair chance to live, and all the other patients who are struggling to hold onto life. 

And I just threw mine away. 

As the memories of the patients flashed through my mind, my mom crying and my dad fighting tears as my monitor flat-lined and went silent.

My last tear fell, and with all my soul I regretted ever pulling that trigger.


“The Struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose,” ~ Chadwick Boseman


I’ll be Your Friend

When you need someone, I’ll be there.

When you want someone, I’ll be there.

When you need a friend, I’ll be there.

When you can’t see the bright side, I’ll sit with you in the dark.

When it’s dark, I’ll be your light.

When your weak, I’ll help you find your strength.

When your scared, I’ll help you find your courage.

When you fall down, I’ll help you get back up.

When you feel broken, I’ll convince you you’re beautiful.

When you feel shattered, I’ll convince you you’re stunning.

When you feel empty, I’ll convince you you’re exquisite.

I’ll make you believe you’re lovely.

I’ll be your friend through thick and thin,

Black and white, and everything in between.

~ Ms. Believer

Sprint To The Finish

I was running.

Running as fast as I could.

Where was I going?

I had no idea.

Who was I running from?

Still, no idea.

But I was running.

Running for my life.

Running with everything inside of me.

I kept running.

I could feel the shadows deepen behind me.

I ran faster.

I was scared.

I was confused.

But all I could do, was run.

I started to get winded.

I breathed in and out as quickly as I could.

My lungs were screaming for air.

But I kept running.

I listened to my heart beating.

Tha-dump. Tha-dump.

It got louder and louder.

It rung in my ears.

All I could hear was my own breathing and heartbeat.

Then, suddenly around me it became quiet, as if time had slowed.

And for a minute, I forgot all my questions and confusion.

I felt free.

Free from the dark, from fear, from everything I was running from.

Then it hit me.

It wasn’t who, what, or where I was running from,

But where I was running to.

As I thought about it, I felt a second wind.

I felt as though I could run forever.

Then I saw it.

The light.

At the end of the darkness.

I ran.

I ran with everything inside of me.


A Journey

We’re all walking down a road.

For some, the road is straight and narrow.

For others, the road is wide and winding.

But we’re all trying to get to the same place.

Some people watch their feet when they walk.

Others keep their heads up high and hopeful.

Some people take in the scenery.

Others take it one step at a time.

We’re all looking, searching for something.

For some, that’s a sense of purpose or meaning.

For others, it’s to find something that’s bigger than themselves.

But we’re all looking in the wrong places.

Some people look for it in money and items.

Others look for it in music.

Some people look for it in drugs or violence.

Others, look for it in love or people.

Some people might find it temporarily.

But only temporarily.

Others find it eternally in God.

If we want a sense of purpose, happiness, and something to put our faith and trust in,

than we should be looking for that in something that is bigger than ourselves.

And that’s God.

God can give us everything we need, want, and more.

In God, you can find a sense of purpose, happiness, joy, and a sense that you’re serving a God that is bigger than ourselves.

He’s bigger than anything.

And that alone should be enough.

Some people reach that place.

Some people find that purpose.

Some people find that thing that is bigger than themselves.

And all of those, are through God.


“We’re all looking for something,

 not knowing exactly what it is. 

Then one day you’re driving toward the sunset 

With your window down,

And wind running through your hair, 

And you think,

“This is it.

This is everything.”

And all you had to do was open the window and let it in.”

~ Jose Chavas

Isaiah 41:10

“Why can’t you just be on my side?” 

I shout and scream into the air. 

“This year has been such a crazy ride.” 

I just thought, maybe someone would care. 

I put my head down and off my cheek rolls a tear. 

“I thought you’d be here.” 

I slowly stood, though still full of fear.

“But I don’t see you anywhere.” 

I walk down the hall of my thoughts.

It’s happy but lonely, full yet empty. 

I walk until my legs feel like rocks. 

I fall to my knees, searching desperately for a remedy.

As I reach the end of my rope, 

I hear footsteps and see a light.

I feel a glimmer of hope

And realize, maybe I wasn’t abandoned all night.

I stand up and see you, finally, after all this time.

You offer me your hand, and I gladly take it.

Together we walk slowly, toward the sunrise. 

You break the silence and say, ”I said, Don’t be afraid.”


The Beauty Of Nature

A little while ago I had the pleasure of watching a beautiful thunderstorm.

Now you’re probably thinking, ’beautiful thunderstorm’? What’s beautiful about a thunderstorm?

And I’m gonna tell you.

At first, I was thinking the same as you. What’s so great about a thunderstorm? Well, yesterday night, my two friends, my older brother and I were driving home from Civil Air Patrol. It was such a mess outside. The wind was strong and blowing hard against the car, the rain was pouring down, thunder and lightning were roaring, and it was getting hard to see out the car windows. But what was amazing about this, was the whole thing.

As we were driving, my friend first pointed out the lightning strikes. They were incredible. They lit up the whole sky. It was like natures light show. Then we heard the thunder. It boomed and cracked as the rain poured down. It had such an amazing effect.

As we watched the rain and lightning, my friend made a comment. ”I feel like we should be scared, but this is just so amazing.”

And it was. From first glance, a thunderstorm is not something you’d find people happy to hear about. Some people even fear thunderstorms greatly. But if we take a deeper look, we can really see God’s hand at work in nature here.

After watching the lightning for a few minutes, it hit me that our God can light up the whole sky at will. The whole sky. Doesn’t that send shivers down your bones? Our God is so great, so much bigger than we know, yet we still doubt Him sometimes. And yeah, I get it, I’m human too.

We want control of our lives, but we can’t see the big picture. Sometimes we can’t see why God is putting us through a tough situation, so we think we know better and doubt Him. But the truth is, we don’t know. We can’t see the big picture as He can. Sometimes, we need to step back and look around for God.

Maybe sit down and watch a thunderstorm next time it storms, or watch the clouds pass by, or climb a tree. Whatever you need to do realize God is everywhere in nature, just like He’s everywhere in your life.

Even when you don’t feel it.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

”Everything will work out in the end. You don’t need to know how. You just have to trust that it will.”

~ Ms.Believer

It’s Been Awhile

Hello everyone, it’s been a little while huh?

Life got busy, and I guess I forgot about this blog for a awhile. Anyway, I’ve been into writing stories and poems lately and I remembered this blog so I decided to start it again so I could share my writings.

Now I also wanna say that this blog isn’t going to be limited to just my writings, I’m going to use this to vent my feelings, share my artwork, talk about life, share awesome music, and much more.

I’m really excited to start this again, and I can’t wait to see what I learn through it.

I’m also going to say, ya know, it’s been almost 5 years. I think its safe to say a lot has happened in 5 years. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, which I’m going to do between separate posts and such.

On my final note, I can’t commit to a consistent schedule, so instead I will at least make an effort to post at least once a week.

Until Next time,


Operation Welcome Home

We welcomed home the troops at BWI this past week with Operation Welcome Home. It was so much fun! When we got there was a military band playing patriotic music we also did The Pledge of Allegiance.

We clapped and cheered for every soldier that came out of the airplane.

We gave out all the ornaments and gifts cards that families and Chick-Fil-A donated. When we were almost done I handed goodie bags out to the troops. The first soldier I gave a bag to gave me a hug!

We saw a girl reunited with her boyfriend. We also talked to a lady who hadn’t seen her husband and children for month! She had to move here to get things ready. We saw her reunite with her family.

I liked welcoming home the soldiers so much I want to do it again!
We love our troops!



Christmas Musical

My sister and I were in a Christmas musical at our church. We were in the kids choir. We practiced a lot! It was lots and lots of fun! We sang Frosty the Snowman , Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer and Glory all Around. I could not believe all the people there! There were more people there then ever! We practiced during choir practice on Sunday nights. We also had special evening rehearsals. We performed our Christmas musical two nights in a row.
